NEW: Worried about Burnout? Why the AOC is Right for YOU!

Happy Wednesday, friends!

I've been hard at work putting together the Accountable Otters Club (AOC) for you, my fellow neurodivergents!

As you wait patiently for the release of my program, I want to take some time to help you determine if the Accountable Otters Club (AOC) is right for you.

You burnout easily. 

As neurodivergents, we are prone to burnout much more quickly when pursuing our goals due to overstimulation, lack of direction, and over-commitment. Any goal-setting strategy or accountability club must be designed with burnout prevention in mind. That's why remaining realistic is key in setting our overall goals.

The AOC is committed to weaving burnout prevention into the fabric of our program.

You have trouble prioritizing.

When setting goals, we may have a general idea of WHAT we want to accomplish but need to figure out HOW to prioritize tasks to reach those goals. In our minds, it's ALL important.

The AOC is being designed to help you prioritize your action tasks with the least amount of effort for the biggest return.

Hyperfocus can derail your plans.

Hyperfocus can be a double-edged sword! On the one hand, having the ability to dive deep into your interests can be incredibly powerful. But on the other hand, you can easily find yourself lost without a sense of direction when trying to achieve your goal.

The AOC will work diligently to keep you on task as you progress toward your goals.

You deal with task paralysis.

Oftentimes we find ourselves setting the stage to work, using our rituals to get into the mindset, and then "POOF!" We are stuck. It's as if someone hit the pause button, and you cannot find a way to undo it. Task paralysis feels just like this.

Our supportive AOC understands task paralysis and will share strategies to help you get unstuck.

You need some help.

This program is designed for neurodivergents by a neurodivergent.

With a program like the Accountable Otters Club, you'll find objective support from a community of like-minded humans working towards goals in an accessible and honest way.

There is nothing wrong with needing help, and the AOC is designed to remain that consistent and gentle push you need to keep moving forward.

Burnout happens when you avoid being human for too long.

the blissful mind

As I continue to work on the structure of our program, I'd like to offer you this final thought: Where do you find yourself having the most trouble when it comes to setting and achieving your goals? Is it at the beginning? The action steps? The follow-through? Staying focused? Feel free to reply to this email and let me know.

Until next time, friends.


P.S. Know a friend who could use an accountability club like the AOC? Forward them this email!

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