Finding the Balance between Boredom and Burnout: the AOC Formula in Action

Learn five rules to help make REAL progress.

Hello hello! So glad to have you on our Accountable Otters Club email list!

As we progress toward our goals, we often find ourselves like a pinball between extremes: the agonizing mundanity of boredom, wondering when all our enthusiasm dried up, and the frenetic buzzing of overwhelm, pushing us that much closer to the edge of burnout.

Are you shaking your head, yes? This is what many, many neurodivergent humans feel is the reason why abandonment of goals and hesitation to begin something happens.

We don't want to feel overwhelmed! It's distressing.

We don't want to lose that passion fueling our special interest! It's numbing.

This is where the Accountable Otters Club (AOC) formula is above all other goal-setting and productivity programs.

The AOC is DESIGNED to have boredom-busting and burnout prevention woven directly into your day-to-day life. You can make progress on your goals without having the anxiety that you're going to fail.

The best way to illustrate this is to share five rules about the AOC formula that will make a world of difference in your approach.

Five rules for using the AOC formula

Be realistic and keep it regular.

When planning your day, please be mindful of the tasks you can realistically take on for that particular day. Nothing feels worse than making a giant to-do list and barely making a dent! It's vital for self-esteem to limit yourself to tasks (or micro-tasks!) that can be easily achievable. I'll dive more into micro-tasking in another newsletter.

Routines are hugely (!) necessary for goal achievement because we create the environment and time for things to happen. By forcing our brains into autopilot, we are reducing the mental load of mundane things and increasing the capacity for creativity and problem-solving.

Adjust for energy levels.

Some days and weeks are very taxing on us as neurodivergent humans! We can quickly approach overwhelm through overstimulation, routine changes, and physical or mental health changes. How we respond to our energy levels will keep us in a safe place to make progress. If you've had the flu, don't expect a long to-do list of items to help you recover more quickly. Give yourself the time and space to heal.

Remember the Rule of Three.

Perhaps the most crucial section in today's newsletter is this; the magic. At most, you should have three ROMPs or three RAFTs in a row. Why do you ask? We will burn out if we push too hard for too long with too many ROMPs in a row. Neurodivergent burnout is not a fun place to be, as many of you are familiar with. On the other hand, if we take too many days in a row to RAFT (reflect, assess, go over our thoughts and feelings) without any action, even if it's small, we will arrive at the ho-hum place of boredom.

Color code your ROMPs/RAFTs.

I believe in the power of color psychology! Color can evoke certain emotions and feelings, which is no different in our goal progress. Designate a color for your ROMPs. Use that color to motivate, inspire, and propel you forward, step-by-step, to your goal. I've chosen a bright and airy green! Green makes me happy, alive, and prosperous. Then select a color for your RAFTs. Choose one that is soothing, calming, and reminds you of self-care. I've chosen a peaceful, light blue. It reminds me of water, gently flowing and carrying me to my goal. Like a raft!

The Psychology of Colors wheel

Set your intentions for the day.

Intention setting is mentioned by many educators, therapists, healers, and coaches as a simple but powerful way to approach your day. This is because it allows you to prepare your nervous system for any issues that may arise, from conflict in your schedule to emotional dysregulation, to any other surprises. Intentions open the door to all possibilities.

These five rules give you even more understanding of our humble but mighty AOC formula. For a snapshot of what a month looks like in action, take a peek below:

The AOC formula in action: month snapshot

This week, I'd love for you to set your daily intentions, pick your colors, and chart each day as a ROMP or a RAFT. Feel free to reply with a photo or screenshot of your ROMPs/RAFTs. I'd love to share a few in next week's newsletter!

We are busy tying up loose ends in the backend to create a wonderfully rewarding experience for you in the Accountable Otters Club. We've chosen a soft launch date of March 9, so mark your calendars! Next week, I'll include an exclusive invitation to attend our Soft Launch event on Zoom, and ALL registrants will have the chance to join at a heavily discounted rate and LOCK it in for LIFE!

As always, I am here for you; as the Chief Executive Otter (CEO), it is my mission to help you succeed.

Back to the lodge I go, with love and support,


P.S. Know anyone you believe would benefit from receiving these emails and joining the AOC? Forward them this email! Include a small note about the AOC and why you think they could use a group like this.

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